Contact Us
The Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District customer service staff and team of technical experts, are ready to serve you—just call and we’ll be there!
Give Us a Call
Office Telephone: (831) 722-1389 or (831) 663-2181
Fax number: (831) 722-2137
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Closed all major holidays
Send Us an Email
E-mail our Customer Service department directly at any time at
24 Hour Emergency Service:
After hours, we have an automated answering system that will accept your call and message. After-hours emergencies are forwarded to an on-call representative to assist you.
For emergencies, you can reach us at (831) 722-1389 or (831) 663-2181 Option "1"
Office Address:
136 San Juan Rd
Royal Oaks, CA 95076

Or use the form below to send a message: